
Data Protection

The privacy of our users, customers and employees is one of the main foundations of the Douro Marina Hotel.

As such, this page intends to make known the rules and procedures that are used to address the processing of personal data, which are collected and processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council , of April 27, 2016 – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We are committed to protecting the personal data of each user, obeying all rules of confidentiality, privacy and the like, so that all data is treated in a fair, organized and responsible manner.

In this sense, the Douro Marina Hotel undertakes to:

  • Request personal data only when strictly necessary and always with your prior consent;
  • Use personal data exclusively for the purposes set out in this policy;
  • Keep personal data for the minimum period of time necessary, in accordance with legislative standards;
  • Enable the holder of personal data to access their personal data at any time, updating, modifying and deleting them, opposing their use, portability and the right to be forgotten;
  • Ensure the confidentiality, protection and security of personal data and prevent its disclosure, unless its transmission is required for the purpose of complying with legal obligations, namely to tax, judicial, police and regulatory entities.

Personal data

As a user or customer of the Douro Marina Hotel, your personal data and/or personal data of family members may be requested, such as:

  • Name, nationality, address and date of birth;
  • Contacts, such as telephone, cell phone and/or e-mail;
  • Arrival and departure dates, interests and preferences;
  • Payment data.

Requesting this data is essential, as these are used to manage reservations and customer stays, to improve and customize the services provided according to the interests of each customer and to contact you if you have any doubts or questions.

Sharing and Security of Personal Data

Douro Marina Hotel reserves the right to share the personal data of users and customers with Douro Marina Hotel employees, for the purposes already mentioned in this privacy policy, and with tax, judicial, police and regulatory entities, whenever this is required within the framework of legal compliance. All necessary measures have been implemented for the protection, control and security of all personal data, with the aim of preserving and ensuring the confidentiality of all data.

User/Customer Rights

The holder of personal data, provided that he is duly identified and confirmed that he is the legitimate owner of the data, has the following rights:

  • Access to your personal data, including its updating, alteration and deletion, as well as a copy of all your data and explanation of the respective processing and purposes;
  • The right to be forgotten, that is, the elimination of data contained in all tools and software used, provided that these do not override the need to safeguard them, when referring to tax matters;
  • Data portability, that is, the provision of registration of all your personal data in a structured and commonly used format;
  • The right to opposition, namely in the definition of profiles, volume of purchases, amounts spent, among others.

Any questions or requests regarding the rights listed above, you should contact us via email geral@douromarinahotel.com , and such requests will be dealt with as soon as possible.


Douro Marina Hotel uses cookies in order to improve the functioning of the website and provide a better user experience. Cookies are small text files, often encrypted, that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you access a page through your browser. These files allow your device to be recognized on the next visit. Cookies contain generic information, such as information about your preferences (eg language), how you use the website, which pages are visited, among others.

What are worth for

Douro Marina Hotel uses cookies in order to understand all components related to the content available online, such as its importance and usefulness, in order to optimize the site and make each user’s navigation more intuitive and fluid. In short, cookies help us to understand the interaction between the user and the website itself. The different types of cookies stored on your device have different durations, so that they can be analyzed to improve the content and services provided.

Cookie Blocking

The user is free at any time, through the browser, to change his settings regarding these files, namely blocking them. However, these changes may lead to repercussions such as the impossibility of accessing certain content and, consequently, limited navigation.

More information

For more detailed information about cookies, please refer to the following link .


Our website has a Newsletter, through which we send news, promotions, campaigns, among others. You can access it through the following page – Newsletter .

Personal data collected

The name and email are collected for the aforementioned purposes. These data are for the exclusive use of the Douro Marina Hotel, and are not disclosed to any other entity, unless their transmission is required for the purpose of complying with legal obligations, namely to tax, judicial, police and regulatory entities.


You can get in touch with us through the contacts page or through the other means available on our website.

Personal data collected

The name, email, contact(s), and/or the subject and content of the respective message are collected for the purposes of contact and clarification. These data are for the exclusive use of the Douro Marina Hotel, and are not disclosed to any other entity, unless their transmission is required for the purpose of complying with legal obligations, namely to tax, judicial, police and regulatory entities.


Douro Marina Hotel reserves the right to change, from time to time, this privacy policy, in order to be up to date and in compliance with current rules and regulations. If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at the following e-mail address: geral@douromarinahotel.com .

Date of last update: May 28, 2018.
